EMAIL + SMS Strategy

Our team of experts will help you develop and execute effective email and SMS marketing campaigns that will drive engagement, conversions, and revenue.

Did you know?
→ Studies show that you should make roughly $1 per month from each of your email and SMS leads.


We will help you devise an overall email marketing strategy. We’ll work closely with you (the expert!) to understand your business objectives, target audience, and market trends to create an encompassing plan for email campaigns.


We analyze your customer data and behaviors and segment your email list into relevant groups. This segmentation allows for more personalized and targeted messaging, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.

Campaign Planning + execution

We plan, create, and execute your email and SMS marketing campaigns from start to finish. This includes developing campaign goals and KPIs, target segments, creating compelling content, and managing the deployment schedule. You will get a front-row seat to our process.


We will help you set up triggered and automated email workflows, personalized product recommendations, and dynamic content to deliver timely and relevant messages to subscribers.